“I see… Andrew McCarthy!”

May 4, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Entertainment 

So I recently wrote about Jake Ryan vs. Blane McDonough

Forget who Blane is?  One guess-

“What about Prom Blane?!  What about Prom!”

Yeah, Jake’s so much cooler.

Since then, everywhere I look I see a John Hughes movie or something related… it’s getting weird.  And then it happened…

I was Googling Blane McDonough to see where my blog article came up, while I’m flipping through channels and I stop on Lifetime Movie Network because I see the title, ‘Straight From The…’ and I’m wondering, ‘Straight from the what? Straight from the Gut?… the Other Side of the World… Straight from the Heart?’ So I stop on it and…

THERE HE IS… It’s a close-up of… ANDREW MCCARTHY !!!!!!

Andrew McCarthy was on the screen as I’m Googling BLANE MCDONOUGH…

How weird is that??!!

Even my husband gasped and said, “Andrew McCarthy!”

I feel like the little boy, ‘I see dead people,’ in The Sixth Sense.

… I just bought a lottery ticket.

Quotable Friday

April 30, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Entertainment, Great Quotes, Quotable Friday 

“Life Moves Pretty Fast.

If you don’t stop and look around once in a while,

you could miss it.”

Ferris Bueller

A Great Quote today from another character from a John Hughes Movie!

So I was watching ‘Top Gun’ and… he’s in that movie too!

April 29, 2010 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Entertainment 

So I’m flipping channels the other night, and Top Gun was on… and I stopped flipping, and started watching it (I know, I know, why did I do it?  It is so 1986.  It is so ‘Tom Cruise just tightening his jaw while he delivers his lines’).

Do you remember who is in this movie?…

Well, a ton of people are in this movie…

But do you remember who is in this movie that you have probably forgotten is in this movie??

Tim Robbins?!  Yes, Tim Robbins is ‘Merlin’ in this movie.  I’m not a HUGE Tim Robbins fan or anything (I don’t have anything against the guy either), although I loved the Shawshank Redemption, but I had this weird moment when I turned to my husband and said, ‘Hey, there’s Tim Robbins!… He’s Merlin?!’

So then I look him up on Wikipedia and find out he was in The Sure Thing too … who knew?

And this is continuing my whole (unexpected) recent Karma thing because I quoted from ‘The Sure Thing’ in a post from last week about Jake Ryan vs. Blane McDonough

Don’t remember Blane?  Of course you don’t, that’s the point.  But I digress…

So I still can’t believe I sat there and watched ‘Top Gun’…

The Weirdest Karma Coincidence- it can only go on a blog

April 27, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Entertainment 

I believe in Karma…

If you’re nice, you attract niceness.

If you are cranky and mean, you attract crankiness and meanness.  Pay it forward- yada, yada, yada.

So last Wednesday, I wrote the post, Jake Ryan vs. Blane McDonough.  Blane McDonough is the guy from Pretty in Pink, and I even wrote in that post that I didn’t even remember ‘Blane’s last name and I had to look it up…(McDonough).

So fast forward to yesterday, Monday, less than a week since then, and I find myself quoting a line from Raising Arizona on my other blog- HouseHold Tips Blog

It’s a quote from the Nicolas Cage character- H.I. or ‘Hi’ and I didn’t remember this, but guess what

Hi’s last name is-


IS THAT NOT SO WEIRD?  … albeit, trivial

But it’s not like McDonough is ‘Smith’ or anything…

I’ve decided this is ‘Good Karma’

Jake Ryan vs. Blane McDonough

April 21, 2010 by · 5 Comments
Filed under: Entertainment, Mom Blogs 

So EVERYBODY knows who ‘Jake Ryan’ is… I won’t even dignify it with an answer.

But who is ‘Blane McDonough’? …

Blane is the guy from Pretty in Pink…

Remember- ‘Blane’… (Andrew McCarthy).

Yeah, I know.  I had to look up Blane’s last name on Wikipedia… I didn’t even remember it.

Which brings me to my topic today; it’s a topic for the ages-

Sixteen Candles vs. Pretty In Pink.

Which one is the better movie?

Before I make my argument,

I must tell you why I’m taking valuable time from my life to even write this…

A few weeks ago I read an interesting article in Vanity Fair on John Hughes, the creator of both films, and then I just read a blog post on Culture Brats, that I found via StumbleUpon, (I know, I can’t believe I’m being so ‘social media-savvy’ either) that discusses this very topic.  Karma?  Or maybe I just have Sixteen Candles on the brain right now?

Anyway, while the blog post on Culture Brats was extremely well thought out,

and I respect both sides of the argument…

It really comes down to one question:

Jake Ryan vs. Blane McDonough

and is there seriously anyone out there who can make a good argument for Blane ?

“Anyone… Anyone?” (to quote from another John Hughes movie, Ferris Buellar’s Day Off)

Jake Ryan was cool and and popular and a dreamboat… and kind and honest and liked a girl for the whole package- what was inside and out.

Who didn’t daydream about Jake Ryan?  I did.  And I’m not the daydreamer type.

Did you ever, honestly, pine over Blane?  We was a wimp; he only stood up for himself and ‘his girl’ at the very end of the movie… and he seems kinda-boring!

Who would you want to date- Jake! or Blane...

‘Blane’ doesn’t even sound cool in comparison to ‘Jake’!

To quote from another great movie, The Sure Thing’ from 1985 (substituting ‘Jake’ for ‘Nick’)-

“Yeah, Jake. Jake’s a real name. Jake’s your buddy. Jake’s the kind of guy you can trust, the kind of guy you can drink a beer with, the kind of guy who doesn’t mind if you puke in his car, Jake!”

And what about Farmer Ted (Anthony Michael Hall) vs. Duckie (Jon Cryer)?

Farmer Ted totally wins!  I’d kinda wanna be friends with Farmer Ted.  He’s a nice guy, basically.  He actually a ‘cool geek’.  And most importantly, he doesn’t get Samantha, but he recovers and isn’t pining over her.

But to get back to Jake Ryan, because he’s dreamy-

Jake still holds up today!  I’d date Jake (if I were single) right now, wearing exactly what he wore back then.  Blane and his friends in linen pants and linen blazers?!  That didn’t even look good back in the ’80’s’ !!  And the story!  That still holds up too!  In fact, I said in my Movie Review of Twilight,

“Teen angst, first love, plus vampires thrown in… and they are good vampires– are you kidding me?

This movie is 16 CANDLES and Jake Ryan is a cool vampire.”

So there you have it: Proof that Sixteen Candles wins over Pretty in Pink and thus,

Jake Ryan wins over Blane… whatever his last name is

But we already knew that, didn’t we  :)

What do you think?

Has American Idol Jumped The Shark?

March 2, 2010 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Entertainment 

American IdolDo You LOVE American Idol?… (crickets chirping)

Okay, do you like American Idol?  (I’m in this category).

American Idol: Have You Jumped the Shark?

First of all, I used to love to watch the opening auditions; who doesn’t love a good train wreck, and more importantly, the discovery of a great unknown talent?!

But this year seems different; it is different.

I was never a huge Paula fan, but… I miss her now, or rather, I miss what she brought to the show.  There – I said it.  I miss Paula!

And Simon is leaving after this season and seems like ‘this-American-Idol-judge-thing’ is tiresome.

And who can blame him?  His ‘X Factor’ show is starting up next year, supposedly an ‘American Idol’ without age limits.  He’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars, so it’s not about the money, a.k.a.- he doesn’t need this gig. And he’s supposedly asking Paula Abdul to be a judge on his ‘X Factor’ show–

for all the rolling of the eyes he used to do-  HE MISSES PAULA TOO.

Ellen DeGeneres has brilliant comic timing on her show, but I’m not quite sure she works on American Idol.  And Kara, the super-talented singer songwriter judge, is still looking for her role… I think.

But American Idol is about finding singing talent…

Where is the talent this year?  It’s there… yes.  But I’m not completely excited by anyone.  I was spoiled last year by Adam Lambert.  I tuned in every week to hear him sing and was excited to hear what new arrangement he would put together (yes, I admit it).

Adam Lambert was CRAZY good.

This year EVERYONE seems just, a, little,   tired.

Move Over Fonzie,

American Idol is slipping… into its waterskis to- Jump The Shark.

Go To The Circus… and Help Some Children!

February 25, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Around DC, Entertainment 


BananaBlueberry wants everyone to know about a special night at the circus that is coming up!

It’s the 13th Annual Children’s Premiere Night-

Tickets are discounted and proceeds go to Friends of the Clinical Center, The Children’s Inn at NIH and Special Love for Children with Cancer!

You can print this page and send it in with your money for the tickets,

or email my friend, AND MOTHER OF 5 BOYS (Woo, Woo), Mary Jane at


She’ll answer any questions and can even meet you somewhere

with your tickets.

Join us for the 13th Annual Children’s Premiere Night !

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at the Verizon Center

6:00 pm – All Access Pre-show

7:00 pm – The Main Event

You won’t hear about this on the radio or television because this night is only for special

invitees from the NIH R&W…and you and your friends and family are invited!!

Proceeds benefit Friends of the Clinical Center, The Children’s Inn at NIH and

Special Love for Children with Cancer

Plus, help provide free tickets to over 3,000 needy children from area hospitals and social service

agencies! The Children’s National Medical Center, Ronald McDonald House, Howard University

Hospital, Bethesda Cares, The Dwelling Place, Linkages to Learning, Boys & Girls Clubs, St. Ann’s Infant

& Maternity Home, and the Marie H. Reed Community Learning center identify children who would benefit



Circus Ticket Order Form

Name:_______________________________________________  Phone:___________________

Address:_____________________________________________  E-mail:___________________

Count me in! I will purchase _____ tickets at $ 24 (regular ticket price is $35)level 100

I will purchase _____ tickets at $ 14 (regular ticket price is $18)level 400

Front Row        _____ tickets at $ 60 (regular ticket price is $75)

Circus Celebrity ____ tickets at $ 90 (regular ticket price is $110)

I will sponsor ___tickets for needy kids at a cost of $ 15 per child for a total of $_____

Please make checks payable to R&W Foundation

Mail your check and order form to Friends of the Clinical Center, PO Box 340139, Bethesda, MD 20827

Questions? E-mail Heidi Grolig at groligh@mail.nih.gov

Friends of the Clinical Center is a 501(c) non profit organization providing emergency financial aid to patients of the

National Institutes of Health and their families.

Mister Rogers Rocks! Vote For Your Favorite Episode!

February 23, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Around DC, Entertainment, Mom Blogs 

books I love Mister Rogers!  He basically Rocks!

I mean, what’s not to love? He plays pretend, always gets into ‘comfortable clothes’, has snacks, and visits cool neighbors!

Do you love Mister Rogers?  Of course you do!

So celebrate his birthday by voting for your favorite Mr. Rogers episode!

PBSKIDS is providing the opportunity to vote for a favorite episode of MISTER ROGERS’ NEIGHBORHOOD. Voters can choose from seven favorite MISTER ROGERS episodes available at www.PBSKIDS.org/rogers. The winning episode will broadcast on-air and online on Saturday March 20th, celebrating Fred Rogers’ birthday.

Along with voting for a favorite episode, you may also be interested in the never before-seen clips, behind the scenes moments and outtakes from MISTER ROGERS NEIGHBORHOOD online at www.pbs.org/video.

Happy Birthday Mr. Rogers!

I’m Reminded of Just How Incredibly CHEESE-TASTIC The 80’s Were

February 16, 2010 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Entertainment 

St. Elmo's Fire While my son played with Letter People, I accidentally turned on the ‘Sounds of the Seasons’ channel on our TV; I usually turn on ‘Light Classical’ during the day. Valentine’s Day/Romantic songs were playing on this channel- okay, appropriate, I thought, although Valentine’s Day was pretty much a non-event this year with over 3 feet of snow on the ground.

With ‘romantic music’ playing low in the background, while I straightened up the kitchen and my son played in our computer room/playroom/pretend-classroom I noticed something:

EVERY song I heard was from the ’80’s…

and I was taken back… and realized that the ’80’s were… CHEESE-TASTIC !

LIONEL RICHIE had a GREAT decade, in terms of commercial success,

so did Linda Ronstadt, (I heard lots of their songs :)

and do you remember… GLORIA LORING?! She was on ‘Days of Our Lives’ and sang, ‘Friends and Lovers’… she also sang the theme song to ‘Facts of Life’ and was married to Alan Thicke… who knew?!

Do you remember the band, Sheriff ?? They sang the ‘power ballad’- ‘When I’m With You’…

The ’80’s were great… And I’m so GLAD they are over.

Ugh- did you hear though that Shoulder Pads are back??!!

That’s 1 trend I’m not doing again,

Just remember,

“Don’t Cry Out Loud”

‘Flashdance’ Does Not Age Well…

October 8, 2009 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Entertainment 

Flashdance Um Yeah, if you are in mind-veg mode, flipping around channels, while reading and tweeting and surfing the internet at the same time, and you come across Flashdance, and think,
“Flashdance! I loved Flashdance! ‘What a feeling!…’, I’m watching this!”

Do yourself a favor and flip the channel… or just turn off the TV.  Those are minutes of your life you will never get back.

I’ll just remind you:  Flashdance came out in 1983, yeah, 1983.  Nothing from the ’80’s really ages well, especially from the-EARLY ’80s-Flock-of-Seagulls-kind-of-hair-era.

I know leg-warmers are coming back in style (God knows why?!),

but leg warmers weren’t that cool the 1st time around (and I was in a ballet company).


relax in the evening, watch a silly show, surf the internet, or better yet- read a BOOK :)

Just don’t linger if you see Flashdance on TV… it really doesn’t age well.



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