I’m Sure Glad My Son is Riding Without Training Wheels Now- Because I’m Riding A Bike Now Too!
Filed under: Around DC, Home, Kindergartners, Life, Mom Victories, The Cool in Everyday Life
I have not ridden a bike since childhood.
There- I said it.
I’ve never been ‘big’ into bikes (don’t throw stones, you mountain-bike-weekend-trip-enthusiasts!!).
But it’s funny how life can change in an instant, with a whimsical choice…
Our family went down to Bethany Beach a few weeks ago, while at the very same time- my son had just taken his training wheels off his bike. I remembered that there was a bike rental shop right in the heart of Bethany and asked my son if he’d like to rent a 2-wheeler for the week, He LOVED the idea and in the next moment I decided that I would rent a bike, then my husband decided he would rent a bike too…
So we spent our Beach Week riding bikes as a family-
~A place I couldn’t imagine getting to in our lives back when I was cleaning up snot or vomit or changing diapers. We were ‘that family’, riding along, with the ocean breeze at our backs, that you glance at and think, ‘Isn’t that nice?!’
I enjoyed it so much that I thought about getting a bike at home. So then we packed up everything and drove back to ‘reality’ and left the beach behind. I arrived home to find a week’s worth of mail in our entry way, even though I had ‘stopped’ the mail… ‘Great’, I thought, as my son trounced through the catalogues and bills mangling up in a even bigger mess. I reached down to gather a first pile up and on the top of the pile was a flier from Performance Bicycles (where we got my son’s bike) announcing they were having a huge sale- that weekend… (karma ?!).
The next day we all went to the bike store and I bought the Schwinn ‘June’ Coaster Bike (with automatic shifting!) and I love it…
and I LOVE that my son and I are riding our bikes together.
You’ve come a long way, baby!