The Pittsburgh Steelers Don’t Steal

October 30, 2008 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Great Quotes 

Yes, I know those are Redskins colors, but I have to give some love to our home team… with that said:

The Pittsburgh Steelers were playing on TV a few days ago. My son asked my husband,

“Daddy, do they STEAL?” A logical question.

My Big Guy then explained to my Little Guy that the team is called the Pittsburgh Steelers because Pittsburgh is know for making steel, a metal… actually an alloy of iron (I just looked that up, but metal is good enough for a 4-year-old). He then explained to our son that Pittsburgh has a big steel industry and a lot of people in Pittsburgh work with steel.

My son was VERY relieved that their team did not steal because as he put it,

“That’s not nice.”

Can’t argue with that.

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