‘Mad Housewife’ Wine Party!

October 6, 2008 by · 7 Comments
Filed under: dc metro moms, Food and Drink 

Thanks to the wonderful people at MAD HOUSEWIFE CELLARS

my home was transformed Saturday evening into a wine tasting venue with tons of wine, food, prizes, and most of all, cool DC Metro Mom Contributors and cool readers!

Here are some of the DC Metro Mom Bloggers who came and imbibed.  It was awesome to see familiar faces of some well-known bloggers like Toddler Planet, StimeyLand, Monkey Business, Tech Savvy Mama, Surely You Nest and ‘Where’s My Cape?’.

We had fun welcoming a few new contributors too! It was a pleasure to meet Caffeinated, My Party of Six and Crunchy-Chewy Mama!

As the evening wore on, smiling and laughter increased.  I had to include this picture, however, because of the funny face that StimeyLand is making behind the bar.

NOTE TO READERS: I don’t normally have a bar in my living room. There is normally a big chair in that corner. But I move it out when we entertain…

The scary reflection on me about this, is that NOBODY questioned the fact that there was a bar in my living room… No one.

People had a great time.  There were spatulas and nail files, courtesy of Mad Housewife.  And Toddler Planet won the door prize!

Good talk, good women, good times, good wine- What could be better?

Well, Maybe a T-Shirt… lots of people asked me how to get the Mad Housewife T-Shirt I was wearing.

Just Click Here.

I love this wine!

Thanks to my dad for providing the beautiful Dahlia arrangements that were all over the house.

If you look at the top picture in this post, the Dahlia to the right of the Mad Housewife sign is from the same plant (that my dad grew) that won Best in Show a few weeks ago at the National Dahlia Show, as in, the whole country.


If you see this wine, pick up a bottle, it’s very good! Give it a try!

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