October 2, 2008 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Furniture 

We covered our couch in a throwcover (is that what they are called?) from Pottery Barn… almost a year ago. Wait – is it called a slipcover?

We did this until we decided what to do in the couch department…

now we’re talking about an addition to the house, so the couch is being put off once again.

I am washing ‘said cover’ as we speak because I’ve never washed it…

Wow, I hope it still fits after washing, especially because I’m having a party Saturday night…

cross you fingers. I’m thinking good thoughts. I’m thinking good thoughts.

Anyway, the point of my post, here it is=

when we took off the slip cover (that is fitted, by the way) Gosh, I’m really hoping it still fits right now.

we found a key… I don’t know what it locks or unlocks


Why was there a measuring cup in my sofa?

This is the answer I really want:

not the answer to world peace, or time continuum, or life on Mars.

What was I or let’s be serious, my son doing, that a measuring cup got stuck, in the couch, so far down, that it wasn’t found until now?

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