Cleaning Out Closets… and My Mind

May 18, 2009 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Mom Blogs 

   Over the weekend I FINISHED cleaning out the last of the closets in our home that needed de-cluttering.  I organized shelves for playdough and painting.  I organized photo albums… and even found room to devote a couple of shelves to paper towels and napkins…

I feel GREAT!  I know where everything in the house is, and I’ve cleared out anything and everything that we don’t need.  I, once again, went through my wardrobe and found things to give to charity…  

Clothes and household-odds-and-ends are in the back of the car right now to be dropped off to charity later today.

And I’ve been thinking… I am not a clothes-horse and yet, I find myself every few months with plenty of clothes to give to charity.  After cleaning our attic earlier this year, I found most of it was just… stuff.  And now it’s gone.  I have a couple of containers full of keepsakes from my husband and my childhoods, and special keepsakes for our son…  and like I was saying, I’ve been thinking…

Why do people keep so_ much_ stuff_ …

I think ‘stuff’ comforts people; but just having ‘stuff’ is an illogical comfort…

Just for myself, it’s free-ing to declutter and choose a few special things that signify special memories, 

the more I do this, the more I feel free to create new memories, and concentrate on today,

It’s Monday, May 18th, 2009- it’s never been today before…

Create a Memory~

and it doesn’t have to be CRAZY-complicated, come on, I’m not Joan of Arc, or Martha Stewart, or a

Mom-MacGyver, ‘Let’s get some string, pine cones, silly puddy, straw, a couple of socks…’

Just have fun~

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