Boys and Cars and Birthday Parties !
Filed under: Around DC, Entertainment, field trips, Food and Drink, General Motors, Holidays, Mom Victories, Parenting
It’s that time of year again!
While most people are planning holiday festivities,
our family is planning a birthday party.
Holiday babies present a special problem.
From the moment my son was born, a week before Christmas,
everyone instilled in me how important it was to
‘Make His Birthday Special!!’
So every year the question comes up-
What do we do for a birthday party?
And every year it gets harder, because they are getting bigger,
and even a teensy bit cynical sometimes.
This year proved to be the toughest yet, my son’s 10th birthday party….
How to entertain 15 10-year-old boys for 2 hours?
And the answer came out of the mouths of babes….
My son heard about a new place that opened up for parties,
a simple little warehouse….
So how could a little warehouse, with no decorations,
appeal to a bunch of little boys that are starting to get big?
It couldn’t. Unless this little warehouse was filled with…
Yes, you heard me right. A video game party.
The little warehouse we went to is called The Trenches.
And for a reasonable fee, you rent the whole place for 2 hours.
You get the whole place to yourself,
and there are tons of video games and they are all free-
no tokens, no tickets,
The place had old-time arcade games, new ones, Xboxes, and much, much more.
So the boys get to run around and play games,
have the whole place to themselves,
and just take breaks for pizza and birthday cake.
You’re done. The boys LOVED this. This was the easiest birthday party ever!
I believe that this is the next up-and-coming trend in birthday parties.
I have heard that these are popping up around the country,
along with video game buses, so the birthday party can come to you!
How good of an idea is this? I cannot stress how much all the boys LOVED this party!
And to top it all off, I drove my son and a couple of friends to the party in the Cadillac CTS, the 2014 MotorTrend Car of the Year.
And the boys thought it was so cool!
In other words, Mom saves the day, and makes the birthday special, for another year….
Yey Mom!
Happy Birthday to all the Holiday Babies out there!!!!