This May be a Little Random But- Here’s How to Open a Pomegranate

December 21, 2009 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Food and Drink 

Pomegranate    How does one go about cutting a pomegranate?

 Yes, this is a little random, but stay with me for just a second… last week I bought a pomegranate to show my son.  He had seen one on TV and he’d never eaten one, so we got one at the store.

But, I got it home and cut into it, and immediately had bright red pomegranate juice going all over my kitchen counter…

Needless to go into any more detail- I ruined the pomegranate and thought, “Why don’t I know how to cut open a pomegranate?”

Fast forward to last night- Andrea from Andrea’s Recipes twitters about pomegranates- 

which is a little weird, in a good way, because I hadn’t bought a pomegranate in about a DECADE, before last week,

I twitter her back asking her how to cut one open (because she knows everything about food and cooking)

She twitters me this site that has everything you need to know about pomegranates!

So, How do you cut open a pomegranate?  Here you go-

How to Open a Pomegranate

Pomegranates may seem intimidating, but they are easy to open. This efficient procedure for opening a pomegranate has six simple steps:

  • Cut – With a sharp paring knife, cut off the top about a half inch below the crown.
  • Score – Once the top has been removed, four to six sections of the pomegranate divided by white membrane will be visible. With the knife’s point, score the skin along each section.
  • Open – Using both hands, carefully pull the pomegranate apart, breaking it into smaller sections.
  • Loosen – Over a bowl of water, loosen the arils and allow them to drop freely into the bowl. The arils will sink to the bottom of the bowl and the membrane will float to the top.
  • Scoop – Use a spoon to scoop out the pieces of white membrane that have floated to the top of the water.
  • Strain – Pour the arils and remaining liquid through a strainer.


Enjoy your pomegranates… they actually make festive decorations in your kitchen this time of year!


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