Team WhyMommy Virtual Science Fair- Our Experiment was Cool… and Messy

April 7, 2010 by
Filed under: Around DC, dc metro moms, Kindergartners, Mom Blogs 

Team WhyMommy Today I am joining a lot of Mommy Bloggers out there to support Susan, aka WhyMommy;

She is a great mom, cool blogger… AN ASTROPHYSICIST (How cool is that?!) and a cancer fighter and survivor.

Today she is undergoing surgery… again.

To Honor Susan and her love and attention to Science, we did a Science Experiment!

Now, I am NOT an astrophysicist, and neither is my son, although who knows, he may be some day-

so we took a page from an experiment we saw on WETA KIDS.  And that’s a lesson in itself- you don’t have to make-up your own science experiment, if your child is excited to try an experiment they’ve seen… go do it!

My son wanted to make canals of water, change their direction and flow, and see how gravity affects the water canals.

We started out by digging the canals with a couple of different ways the water could go-

canal 1

Then we blocked one of the canals-
canal 2

But we soon found out that water can go around a blockage, so we did it again,
canal 3

This Time, we were successful!
canal 4

And we watched our ball continue down the canal that we wanted!

But that wasn’t it for us- we decided, since we had dug up part of a flower bed in our back yard,
and already ‘watered’ it-

that we would plant flower seeds all over !!!!!
canal 5 flowers

Because We Are ALL ABOUT New Life, Living, and Planting Seeds of Hope
Here at BananaBlueberry!

And That’s How We Roll!

These Flowers Seeds are FOR YOU SUSAN!


Astrophysicists Rock  :)

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5 Comments on Team WhyMommy Virtual Science Fair- Our Experiment was Cool… and Messy

  1. JessicaAPISS on Wed, 7th Apr 2010 1:58 pm
  2. Love all the fun you two are having in honor of Susan!

  3. Nan on Wed, 7th Apr 2010 3:09 pm
  4. I do hope all goes well for your friend,Susan. What a wonderful way to demonstrate to a young person how you can honor and show you care about someone else, even though you can not be with them. I think Susan would love the idea of the new garden of life you and your youngster have created in her honor.

  5. Stimey on Wed, 7th Apr 2010 9:22 pm
  6. Way cool! That is an experiment that my kids could totally get behind too. And I love that you used that opportunity to plant flowers as well!

    Thanks so much for taking part in the science fair!

  7. Susan @WhyMommy on Thu, 8th Apr 2010 10:40 pm
  8. There’s nothing better than digging in the mud with a kid or a mom. We love to make canals — we just came back from the beach, where we spent entirely too much time digging moats for sandcastles, and canals where the waves would wash just over the top.

    This was an awesome hands-on experiment that you guys did, Nicole, and I like that you found a resource to help you do experiments as well!

    Will we see pictures of the flowers this summer? :-)

  9. Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama on Mon, 12th Apr 2010 10:22 pm
  10. Messy experiments involving water and dirt are some of our favorites! I can’t wait to see pictures of your prize winning flowers this summer!

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