‘Mommy, Let’s Just Listen…’

February 25, 2009 by
Filed under: preschoolers 

      My son and I sing a lot.  We are not always on key.  But we have a good time.  He loves my singing… or so I thought.

The other day we were listening to kids’ music in the car, I don’t remember the exact song, but it was by Laurie Berkner, Justin Roberts, or They Might Be GIants… oh, or Dan Zanes.  He stopped singing but I continued in my earnest, yet sometimes flat singing voice, and then I heard,

“Mommy, Let’s Just Listen.”

Ummmm.  Okay.

Guess the days of him thinking ‘any song that came out of my mouth was melodious’- are over.



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4 Comments on ‘Mommy, Let’s Just Listen…’

  1. Adrienne on Wed, 25th Feb 2009 7:11 pm
  2. My husband said something very similar to me the other day…. 😉

    I’m not sure if this is the appropriate format to post, but I was hoping to get in touch with you about an event we’re hosting in DC. A fellow local blogger suggested I get in touch with you. Please feel free to email me if you’re interested. Thanks! Adrienne

  3. Kate Coveny Hood on Wed, 25th Feb 2009 10:00 pm
  4. So cute! My voice is perfectly fine – yet my kids hate it when I sing. It’s like the toddler equivalent of “stop mom you’re embarrassing me!”

  5. Melissa Parlaman (Graco Contributor) on Sat, 28th Feb 2009 10:13 pm
  6. i actually get “don’t dance, don’t sing, mommy.” i apparently can’t do either!

  7. FishyGirl on Mon, 2nd Mar 2009 11:22 pm
  8. My kids say that all the time. But I refuse to take the hint.

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