November 6, 2008 by · 7 Comments
Filed under: preschoolers 

Nerds rule the world.

Bill Gates is a nerd. Warren Buffet is a nerd. Mark Cuban tries not to be, but he’s a nerd. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were high school nerds. I can’t imagine any of the Supreme Court Justices are not nerds. And Drew Carey is a nerd.

I was watching the ‘Power of 10’ a while back and Drew Carey reminded a contestant that “nerds rule the world”.  My husband turned to me and said,

“Let’s encourage our Little Man to be a nerd.”

“What, by example?” I replied.

Then we talked about letting our son decide what he wants to do with activities, stress that learning is fun and making sure he doesn’t top out in high school.

Drew Carey hosts ‘The Price Is Right’ and he is hilarious (I’ve always been a big fan)! He also strikes me as an intelligent investor and I know he made gobs of money from his long-running sitcom. And Drew Carey is a nerd… a funny nerd, but still, a nerd.

Nerds can communicate an idea effectively; they are just not the most popular kids in their class. And who really cares about being popular after you turn 18 anyway?

Embrace the nerd!
They run corporate America, the Government and your local toy store.
There are worse ways for your kid to turn out.


November 3, 2008 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Great Quotes 

The election is upon us. In keeping with the ‘no politics’ rule of BananaBlueberry, I am not endorsing a candidate…
But I am telling you to vote. For a little inspiration I googled and found one of my favorite
School House Rock Songs,
yes, I do things like this.

So take a moment and celebrate our forefathers and enjoy the transfer of power in a democracy…

and enjoy this song: It’s the Preamble of the Constitution…
“We the People, in order to form a more perfect union,” Can’t you already remember the tune ? :)

“… for the United States aa-of America”

I Caught My Pumpkin Vandals in the Act!

November 3, 2008 by · 5 Comments
Filed under: Home 

I found out who’s been munching on my pumpkins!

Here are a pair of squirrels who are eating on my next door neighbor’s pumpkins. I know they have been feasting on mine too.
What is curious is the squirrel on the right side by the pot. It looked like he or she was sleeping –

the squirrel didn’t move at all; even with my 4-year-old sneaking around in front of them with me.

then all of a sudden-

they both are alert and take off. Do squirrels sleep with their eyes open or have a weird-eyelid thing going on?… because this is the second squirrel I’ve seen in the past couple of months that looks, basically, dead, and then jumps up and runs away.

And- I didn’t know squirrels ate pumpkins. Are the neighborhood squirrels REALLY hungry or do they normally munch on pumpkins? Pumpkins aren’t easy to eat, then again, squirrels have pretty big teeth. But squirrels eating pumpkins on porches seems like ‘a bottom of the barrel’ type thing.

Am I right?

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