Why Bingo Rocks!

Yeah, Bingo Rocks!

Why does Bingo rock?  Well, after just attending my first Bingo Night at my Kindergartner’s school I’ll tell you why-

  • Bingo is easy
  • Bingo is fun
  • Everyone has an equal chance of winning!
  • It’s inexpensive
  • It involves PRIZES, and who among us, doesn’t love prizes!
  • It also involves snacks
  • It’s a social thing, so nobody is ‘ULTRA ANGRY COMPETITIVE’
  • You can be a little distracted, and still do well (see first point above)
  • A Kindergartner can win (my son won a Cooler and Beach Towel)!
  • and last but not least, it’s a nice family activity

Or maybe, I’m just getting old older…

Do I sound like your Grandmother??

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    One Comment on Why Bingo Rocks!

    1. Nan on Mon, 17th May 2010 4:36 pm
    2. Bingo is great family entertainment. It is also a great way to improve number recognition . I have been to several Math Night school events and there is always a line waiting to get in the Bingo Room. The prizes sounded pretty nice at your school. Glad your little fella won something he and the whole family can use this summer.

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