The World Premiere of my NEW WORD:

November 11, 2008 by
Filed under: Mom Blogs 

I’m inspired…

I was reading a post on Stimeyland about her everyday use of the word, ‘cromulent’, a ‘made-up’ word from The Simpsons.

This excited me… There are other people who make up words, not just me…

I now have the pluck, nerve, daring, audacity, boldness and grit (I was just familiarizing myself with my own online Dictionary/Thesaurus, since I’m sure my new word will be part of it soon) to share my you my ‘made-up’ word.

So here it is, without further ado, the introduction to the world of my made-up word:

Webster’s, Wikipedia: TAKE NOTICE:

My word is: …Cha.

Some may argue that Cha is just a sound, but it’s a word. I use it every day.

The beauty of Cha is that it means more than one thing. It can mean ‘agreement’ or ‘STRONG disagreement’. It can also mean ‘yes’ or ‘no’, depending on how you are feeling…


My husband- “Would you like to join me on a several-mile jog on this cold, chilly morning?”
Me: “Cha.” (followed by silence)

A friend: “Do you want to catch a quick manicure down the street at that cute nail salon?”
Me: “Cha!”

Little Man: “Mommy, can we watch Yo Gabba Gabba?!”
Me: “Um, Cha.”
(By the way, what’s up with that show? It’s crazy.)

So there you have it. Cha.

See how nicely it rolls with the conversation? Cha is perfect.

It’s really more of a ‘place-holder-kind-of-word’,
“Isn’t that a cool painting?”
“Anyway, so as I was saying…”

Yet also, a very cool ‘affirmation-type-of-word’.
Picture this: It’s a cold evening, our son is peacefully sleeping, I’m in my pajamas and holding a glass of wine, while sitting on the couch with a fire in the fireplace-

My husband: “This is nice.”

Me: ‘Cha-aaaaaaaaaaa.”

It’s a perfectly cromulent word.

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4 Comments on The World Premiere of my NEW WORD:

  1. Diana on Tue, 11th Nov 2008 7:02 pm
  2. totally love it! and love yo gabba gabba as well, as freaky as it is!

  3. Stimey on Wed, 12th Nov 2008 6:51 pm
  4. Absolutely cromulent. I will add it to my vocabulary post haste.

  5. Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama on Thu, 13th Nov 2008 12:05 am
  6. I love it! How come we didn’t use it more today when we saw each other??? Next time we can greet each other with a “Chaaa” and a hug!

  7. merrymishaps on Thu, 13th Nov 2008 12:54 am
  8. We’re huge Simpsons fans, and will use cromulent as well. And embiggens.

    I hope your new word catches on! A few years my husband was trying to create a new catch phrase. One option was “Widening the Walls” — you know, instead of “Raising the Roof!”

    So if anybody wants to start using that one, make sure to credit Mr. Mishaps :)

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