July 18, 2008 by
Filed under: Toddlers 

Yesterday afternoon, after my son and I had been out-and-about all day long,

I was hot, and sweaty, and dirty.

He was content playing in our office/playroom (every room in our house has become some sort of playroom) just off the kitchen. This room was originally designed to be a spare bedroom (I think) so it has a full bathroom attached to it.

So I did what any good mother would do and told my son while he was playing with his Leapfrog reader and other cool games, that I was going to take a quick shower.

‘This is perfect,’ I thought. I’ll be able to hear him if he needs anything. I won’t be upstairs in the shower. I’ll be right in the attched bathroom.

So I get undressed upstairs quickly, put on a robe and come back down; my son is still playing contently.

I get in the shower;

bathing- done,

shaving my legs- done.

I put a ton of shampoo/conditioner in my hair (the 2-in-1 kind because, after all, us mothers have to be quick taking care of ourselves), no sooner did i do this, that I hear the pitter-patter of little feat into the bathroom…

I heard the toilet seat go up.

“Are you going pee-pee?” I asked.

“No, BM” My son said.

I worked through the stuff on my head at a turbo speed. Okay, I’m rinsing, I have tons of suds in my eyes.

“Mommy, you need to get out of the shower!”

“Why honey?” (I’m stalling while furiously trying to rinse my hair)

“I need you to wipe my bottom”

“Okay, hold on.”

“Mommy, I need you.”

I jumped out of the shower, still a little sudsy, and simultaneously put on my robe, got a Kando wipe, wiped his bottom and helped him pull up his underwear.

“Thanks Mommy.”

“No problem, sweetheart.”

“Mommy, I still see bubbles in your hair. You tell me that I have to rinse off well when I take a bath. I think you better get back in the shower and rinse off better.”

“Thanks… I will.”

And he trots out of the bathroom back to his games; it never occurs to him that I interrupted my shower to wipe BM from his bottom.


Maybe this weekend I’ll get an uninterrupted shower; I can dream can’t I?

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  1. Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama on Tue, 22nd Jul 2008 4:34 pm
  2. You are an awesome multitasking mama! I hope you got your uninterrupted shower by now! I know they are very rare. :)

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