April 3, 2008 by
Filed under: Mom Victories, Mom Worth, Toys 

microwave.jpg     I am so proud of this microwave oven that my son and I made-

I’m posting it!

Wow, has my life come to this?

I guess it has because I’m thrilled with this.  I am so knee-deep into motherhood that I am actually watching my artistic progression when it comes to these box transformations.

I am a painter, albeit a beginner. And when I see my advancement in the art of construction paper, a gluestick and markers, I think to myself, ‘Pick up that paintbrush!’

I’m kidding… but not totally.

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One Comment on I LOVE BOXES/TOYS!

  1. Robin on Mon, 7th Apr 2008 7:43 pm
  2. Yes, your life has come to this, and isn’t it great?!?

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