April 30, 2008 by
Filed under: Mom Blogs 

walker.jpgWhere do I fit exercising into my day? I am not a runner, although I will run if I am being chased.

I actually don’t need to lose weight, I just want to tone up a little and be healthy. I’ve changed the way I cook over the past year for the better, making more vegetables and proteins, less carbohydrates.

So exercising has now made its way up my priority list. But who has time to exercise? I just got an email from my sister-in-law that said at the end of it, that she was going down to her basement gym to work out before her kids woke up- her email was sent at 6 am.

God bless her… but I am not that kinda’ gal. I know I will never wake myself up at 6 am just to exercise. And then I’m busy with my 4-year-old and the house, and playdates, and laundry, and building forts, and life.

Can I trick myself into exercising just a little at a time?

According to the Centers for Disease Control– the answer is,
‘Yes I can’!

Exercising for 10 minutes, three-times-a-day is as good for you as exercising for 30 minutes straight. Huh? Really?
I think… I can do that!

While my son was at preschool I took a break and walked to the bottom of our street and back- it took 10 minutes.
Our neighborhood park is a 10-minute walk away.
My 4-year-old and I were at the mall so when we were finished buying him shoes, I did a lap around the mall at a brisk pace pushing his car stroller (he loved it).
So… I think I can do this!

Wait- if I am walking, carrying a 35 lb. 4-year-old for 5 minutes-
does that count the same?

Hmmm- this could be great-
If I am giving my son ‘horsey rides’ down on all fours for 15 minutes –does that complete my exercise for the day? That’s pretty strenuous and should count double.
If I pick him up 10 times a day and twirl him around that should do it, right?
And when I play soccer with him for 15 minutes twice-a-day that could do it too!

Wait again,
I’m getting ahead of myself.
I’m sticking to 10 minutes 3-times-a-day and I’ll consider the other stuff…

An abbreviated version of this can be read at DC Metro Moms Blog.

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  1. Megan on Thu, 1st May 2008 7:31 am
  2. Oh my gosh – thank you so much for this link! I have been running 30-40 minutes 3x a week. Recently a new dr I went to basically said that anything less than 5 days was meaningless. While obviously the more the better, I was pretty proud about working in that amount of time with my full time job and three young kids! Thanks for this!

  3. ALF on Thu, 1st May 2008 10:06 am
  4. Found your site from dooce’s – just wanted to say hi.

    I always have to trick myself into exercising. It’s pathetic.

  5. MamaBird/SurelyYouNest on Fri, 2nd May 2008 6:05 pm
  6. Hey there, I think of you *every time* I write a grocery list! Bananas, frozen blueberries… Congrats on being syndicated, missy! Hope all is well…

  7. Jen on Thu, 29th May 2008 5:19 pm
  8. Hehe- I think I actually read this back when you originally posted it!

    It honestly does make me feel much better about exercising… since carrying my giant child in his Baby Bjorn for 45 minutes in the grocery store definitely feels like a workout!!

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