March 24, 2008 by
Filed under: Holidays 

easter-bunny.jpgOn ‘Easter Eve’ (I just made that up),

the eggs had been dyed, baskets were ready and I was putting my 4-year-old son to bed.

I told him he should go right to sleep because we had a big day ahead of us, the Easter Bunny was coming. Then he started asking very specific questions about the procedure involved in hiding Easter eggs…

“Mommy, does he hide them tonight?” I told him yes (whoops, that’s Santa), so then he immediately pulled up his black-out shades and looked for the infamous bunny.

So I told him that the Easter Bunny hides eggs in the morning too.

“How does he hide all those eggs?” Well, he’s super-fast. He can hop so fast that’s it’s magical.

At this point I’m screaming inside my head, “Nicole!! What are you doing? Why aren’t you better prepared for these questions?” And I’m a planner for gosh sakes; I plan lunches for the week, all weekly dinners… I make lists!

We happen to be lucky enough to have lots of bunnies in our neighborhood. So then my 4-year-old asks me if those bunnies around our house are related to the Easter Bunny. “Yes, they are. They are the Easter Bunny’s helpers. They help him hide eggs sometimes.”

Then that voice inside my head comes back, “You better be careful Nicole, you are making up rules as you go along… And remember, 4-year-olds never forget!”

I took a deep breath.  Relax.

Kissed my little guy good night and tucked him in.

Then, downstairs, my husband asked me about hiding the dyed easter eggs. Yes, I told him, we’re hiding them, along the the store-bought plastic ones.

Then my husband, completely seriously, tells me that doesn’t make any sense, because how would a bunny, now a ‘magical’ bunny, as I’ve just made him, get inside to get those eggs to hide.

I look at John and tell him, “The same way he gets in to ‘magically’ fill our son’s Easter basket… He jumps in a window or something.”

“Nicole, this really doesn’t make sense.” He’s right…

But wait, I forgot about our old friend – the whole ‘suspension of disbelief’ thing that is in its prime in 4-year-olds!


But, as long as we’re on the subject:

Are there any official rules of the Easter Bunny?

Or did our parents make them up and now we are responsible for making up our own?

I want to be better prepared for next year :)

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  1. Melody on Tue, 25th Mar 2008 11:27 am
  2. I commented to my cousin, that I was starting to forget what i had told the boys about the Easter Bunny. We didn’t do Easter egg hiding over night, just the baskets, but I told them that he would be coming in the afternoon to hide all the eggs for our hunt. And that they ABSOLUTELY could not peek, ’cause the Easter bunny will not hide eggs if they’re looking, and if they did peek, that it would just look like Daddy or me hiding eggs in the backyard ’cause the Easter Bunny’s magical like that.

    I’m pretty sure I’m going to pay for all this one day.

  3. Kristen M. on Tue, 25th Mar 2008 4:42 pm

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