November 4, 2007 by
Filed under: Holidays 

leaves.jpgIt’s official… The clocks have been turned back.

It’s cold weather time, talk turns to Pilgrims and Native Americans in nursery schools, and Dad is raking leaves today.

I love ‘gaining’ an hour. It used to mean an extra hour of sleep, but now it means an extra hour to get things done or having another cup of tea. It’s a quick run to the grocery store, changing decorations from Halloween to Thanksgiving, or a long, hot shower.

An extra hour couldn’t have come at a better time.

Don’t mean to scare anyone- but Thanksgiving is in less than 3 weeks and Christmas is just over 6 weeks away. Hanukkah is just over a month away. There is a lot to do, no matter who you are.

On the other hand, it is a beautiful time of year. It is chilly- translating into more jumps up on your lap from children wanting to get warm. Holiday music plays at the mall. Lots of decorations that at any other time of year would be considered tacky- are awesome! I love candy canes and I get to see them everywhere this time of year. Fires in the fireplace (okay, we don’t build fires in our fireplace because we have a 3-year-old, but it’s a nice thought), baking cookies (okay, I haven’t done it in the past, but I am planning to start this year… add to ‘to do’ list) and roasting marshmallows (I love the idea, but the whole fire thing again- I think we’ll pass).

But getting back to my point, it’s a cool time of year.

Remember it’s Thanksgiving time. It’s time to give thanks. Thank you for little feet around the house. Thank you for little hands, even when they are making messes. Thank you for being busy, being a mom.

Hey, and I’ve got a birthday party I have to come up with the week before Christmas for my son… so say thank you if you have kids with summer birthdays!

Happy Holiday Season!

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One Comment on THAT EXTRA HOUR

  1. Kendall on Mon, 12th Nov 2007 7:53 am
  2. So true! Thanks for the Good Stuff!

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