How Can I Be 40 and Not Know This?!… Again!
Do you know that a Marathon is 26.2 miles long?
Yes, I know that too.
BUT– Do you know
WHY a Marathon is
26.2 miles long??
Anyone? Anyone?
… We’re driving to dinner the other night and I see one of those oval stickers on the back of an SUV that says- ‘26.2’. And it got me thinking about marathons, so I ask my husband,
“Why are marathons 26.2 miles long? Why aren’t they 25 miles long, or just 26 miles long?” He thought about it for a minute and said,
“I think 26.2 miles is the distance from Marathon to Athens. I think a runner ran from the battle of Marathon all the way to Athens to tell people they won.”
I looked at my husband, he looked at me, our 6-year-old looked at us, we all looked at each other… with approval… and I replied,
“Well, if that’s NOT why marathons are 26.2 miles, that sounds like a REALLY GOOD ANSWER… I’d totally believe that.”
By this time, we’re all laughing and are set to Google it when we get home-
AND SURE ENOUGH- My Guy is right!
SO– marathons are 26.2 miles because that is the distance a soldier ran from the battle of Marathon to Athens, to tell of their victory…
Just another day here educating myself… and the world,
Talk amongst yourselves…