So I was watching ‘Top Gun’ and… he’s in that movie too!
So I’m flipping channels the other night, and Top Gun was on… and I stopped flipping, and started watching it (I know, I know, why did I do it? It is so 1986. It is so ‘Tom Cruise just tightening his jaw while he delivers his lines’).
Do you remember who is in this movie?…
Well, a ton of people are in this movie…
But do you remember who is in this movie that you have probably forgotten is in this movie??
Tim Robbins?! Yes, Tim Robbins is ‘Merlin’ in this movie. I’m not a HUGE Tim Robbins fan or anything (I don’t have anything against the guy either), although I loved the Shawshank Redemption, but I had this weird moment when I turned to my husband and said, ‘Hey, there’s Tim Robbins!… He’s Merlin?!’
So then I look him up on Wikipedia and find out he was in The Sure Thing too … who knew?
And this is continuing my whole (unexpected) recent Karma thing because I quoted from ‘The Sure Thing’ in a post from last week about Jake Ryan vs. Blane McDonough…
Don’t remember Blane? Of course you don’t, that’s the point. But I digress…
So I still can’t believe I sat there and watched ‘Top Gun’…