I Had Poop Under My Nails Too…
and even harder sometimes- a toddler, can be tough.
Rewarding, but tough.
You get the snuggles,
the baby fat rolls,
the mama-unconditional-I-need-you-stuff,
that you don’t always get being the mom of a 6-year-old.
But you also get the I-can’t-leave-the-room-for-a-minute, blow your nose, and diaper disaster stuff.
You don’t always shower (shhh… it’s okay) and sometimes you’re in sweats…
And sometimes, just when you think you are getting-it-all-together,
you find out you’ve been walking around all day with Cheerios stuck to your butt…
But it’s okay, because at least you didn’t find poop under your fingernails… like I did…