Um… Martians are Pretend
We have been learning a lot lately here about planets and the Solar System! My son recently went with his nursery school class to a planetarium… and then we ‘made’ a planetarium here at home with a small tent. We talked about the fact that our planet, Earth, is just far enough, and close enough to the Sun to support life.
“Yes!” My son was so excited. And I’m thinking how much we are learning and what a great mom I am to have a planetarium made from a small tent in our computer room!!
And then is happened-
“Except for Martians, Mom!”
“Um… Martians are pretend.”
“They are?… Oh.”
And he was fine with that. And we went on with our discussion, with me thinking all-the-while,
I’m amazed that #1, my son thought Martians were real and that #2, having just been told that something he thought was real is in fact- NOT REAL, was fine with him…
I think we’re going to tackle a discussion about the ‘Milky Way’, not containing any milk today,
wish me luck!
I’m The Best Mom My Son Has Ever Had
Yesterday evening, while putting my son to bed, he stopped and smiled at me.
“You are the best mom I’ve ever had,” He said. Immediately, I smiled and gave him a hug.
Like he’s had 50 different moms in his short life, and I’ve risen to the top of the list all of a sudden…
“You’re the best son I’ve ever had.” My Little Man smiled and said, “Thanks!” He’s my only son, but this did not lessen the compliment in his eyes…
Ah, the workings of a busy little mind…
A Festivus Miracle… At the Post Office!
Ahhh, the post office at holiday time- it’s crowded, cold and s…l…o…w.
Yesterday afternoon my Little Man and I went to the post office to send out our Christmas cards. They were all addressed and done, but 1 Christmas card we send out goes to our friends in England, so we needed to wait in line for extra postage for that 1 card…
We waited in line which stretched the whole length of the post office. I heard an older man behind me mutter, “Can you believe they only have 2 people working right now?!” Another lady in back of me looked like if you locked eyes with her, she might haul off and hit you. Everyone was ‘busy’ and ‘in a hurry’.
There were no other children in the post office. People were taking time from work or shopping or cookie-baking or whatever else you do at 3:00 in the afternoon. And no one was pleased that the line wasn’t moving very quickly.
Then my Little Man started to mosey around the post office and broke into song,
‘Sleigh bells ring, are ya listenin’?
In the lane, snow is glistenin,
A beautiful sight, we’re happy tonight,
Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland.’
I looked around and everyone was a little calmer. My soon-to-be 5-year-old glanced around and continued…
‘In the meadow we can build a snow man…’
And the crotchety old lady a few people in front of me started to sway.
‘And pretend that he is Parson Brown…’
And a few people started to smile.
And the line started to move a little faster. And then it was our turn. We paid the extra postage and turned around and everyone looked at my Little Man and smiled. He then, as he is so prone to do, said good-bye to everyone in line and waved…
And then he locked eyes with that fierce-looking woman behind me. ‘Watch out’, I thought. And she smiled at him.
We walked out to our car and my son exclaimed, “Well, that was fun.”
And I thought I heard, as we drove out of sight,
‘Don’t get stressed, Have some fun,
Remember preschool- and you just might’.
The Pittsburgh Steelers Don’t Steal
Yes, I know those are Redskins colors, but I have to give some love to our home team… with that said:
The Pittsburgh Steelers were playing on TV a few days ago. My son asked my husband,
“Daddy, do they STEAL?” A logical question.
My Big Guy then explained to my Little Guy that the team is called the Pittsburgh Steelers because Pittsburgh is know for making steel, a metal… actually an alloy of iron (I just looked that up, but metal is good enough for a 4-year-old). He then explained to our son that Pittsburgh has a big steel industry and a lot of people in Pittsburgh work with steel.
My son was VERY relieved that their team did not steal because as he put it,
“That’s not nice.”
Can’t argue with that.
My Son WILL NOT Drink Root Beer
This, as you can see, is a bottle of Root Beer. My husband bought this because it was a childhood favorite of his, a ‘special treat’, as we call it in our house.
He remembers making Root Beer floats and remembers this particular brand as being very, very good.
He offered a sip to my son,
“You wanna try some Root Beer? It’s my favorite!”
My 4-year-old looked at him and stated very firmly,
“Daddy, I don’t drink Beer. It’s for adults.”
My Big Guy chuckled and continued,
“No, this is Root Beer, not adult beer. You can try it.”
“No Daddy, I don’t drink ANY beer. Beer is for adults.”
My husband tried to then explain that it is just a name and that Root Beer is a (non-caffeinated) type of soda… like Sprite. We’ve let Little Guy try some Sprite at special occasions.
But my son was having none of it.
“It’s beer Daddy. And I don’t drink beer.”
Nothing like having a self-regulating 4-year-old.
Does this mean we are doing a good job? I’m not sure…