How To Get Exactly What You Want
Ahhh, a question for the ages…
How do you get what you want?
Well I’m here to tell you! But, first of all-
this does not apply to ‘world peace’… ‘a cure for cancer’… ‘to end homelessness’… ‘I want a pony’… well, maybe the last one.
All those ‘wants’ are great. I want world peace too. I want a cancer-free world too. I want everyone to have a home too…
But we all gotta start somewhere… ‘Start Small- End Big’, I always say. So let’s master how to get exactly what we want in terms of the ‘small stuff’, then we can go from there. After all, if you have little things… and little ones, around you that make you happy- you’re going to be a better mom and person and you’ll be happier…
Happier? A Better Person, you may say? Yes. And here’s how to do it-
I am revealing an age-old philosophy… a formula… a system of beliefs, if you will.
Have you read The Secret? Yes, so have I…
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