The 2014 ‘Listen To Your Mother’ Cast Party !!!!!!
As a member of the 2012 Inaugural DC Cast of
The National Show~
I was excited to meet this year’s Cast at a Super Duper Party for all
the cast members from 2012, 2013, and this year, 2014 !!!
The Party was in a part of Virginia that I never go to,
so this Maryland girl was glad I was driving a brand new
GMC Terrain Denali,
with honestly, the best Navigation system, I’ve ever used.
I had a clear view from the driver’s seat, and I didn’t
look at my directions,
I kid you not.
It was perfect…
In fact, the only thing that was more perfect
than the Navigation and handling
of this GMC Terrain,
which made me feel totally safe,
was the great company of women,
and desserts
Here’s to another Great DC Show of
Listen To Your Mother!
It’s May 4th at The Synetic Theater !!
And Here’s raising a glass to all the other shows around the country this time of year!!
Check out This Year’s show,
or go to YouTube to check out previous years,
all around the country,
To check out mine, Nicole Crowley’s
Just Click On,