“I see… Andrew McCarthy!”
So I recently wrote about Jake Ryan vs. Blane McDonough…
Forget who Blane is? One guess-
“What about Prom Blane?! What about Prom!”
Yeah, Jake’s so much cooler.
Since then, everywhere I look I see a John Hughes movie or something related… it’s getting weird. And then it happened…
I was Googling Blane McDonough to see where my blog article came up, while I’m flipping through channels and I stop on Lifetime Movie Network because I see the title, ‘Straight From The…’ and I’m wondering, ‘Straight from the what? Straight from the Gut?… the Other Side of the World… Straight from the Heart?’ So I stop on it and…
THERE HE IS… It’s a close-up of… ANDREW MCCARTHY !!!!!!
Andrew McCarthy was on the screen as I’m Googling BLANE MCDONOUGH…
How weird is that??!!
Even my husband gasped and said, “Andrew McCarthy!”
I feel like the little boy, ‘I see dead people,’ in The Sixth Sense.
… I just bought a lottery ticket.