It’s Hump Day… and Hump Day isn’t so bad
According to Wikipedia:
‘An American English idiom for Wednesday is “hump day”,
a reference to making it through to the middle of the work week as getting “over the hump.”‘
Yeah, I got that…
But then it goes on to say-
‘In Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, the disagreeable nature of the weather is attributed to it being “Winds-Day” (a play on “Wednesday”). In Richard Brautigan‘s In Watermelon Sugar Wednesday is the day when the sun shines grey.’
‘In the 1945 John Steinbeck novel Sweet Thursday, the titular day is preceded by “Lousy Wednesday”.’
What Happened to ‘Happy Hump Day!’ ?
I like Wednesdays…
You are, as mentioned above, ‘Over the Hump’,
but still have time to have a productive week,
and get things done…
So where has the love for Wednesday gone?
Do you like Wednesdays?
Am I the only one?
…Again, where’s the love?