Continuing on my self–disclosure kick…
The other evening I flipped open the chair you see above. It’s a great chair, it’s been through a lot of vomit as I related in another post.
If my Little Man needs a snack or juice in the living room, he sits in this chair. It’s also nice on a Saturday morning to sit around, drink coffee, eat muffins, read the paper, talk about what we are doing that day… all sitting around the coffee table on big comfy chairs.
Yesterday evening I was opening said chair to relax in it; it opens into a futon and it’s exactly my size when opened up… Yes, I know it’s for children, but I’m five-feet tall.
I opened it up and just before I laid down on it, I saw what I thought was a yellow lego.
“Oh, I’ll just pick that up,” I thought. I leaned over to pick it up, pulled on it and it stuck to the chair…
Legos don’t stick to fabric…
Looking closer, I now realized that I was holding a dried-up piece of American cheese; the last time I gave my son cheese and crackers in his chair was a week ago…
I am quickly losing my reputation for being neat, tidy and almost an anal-like cleaner…