Go To The Circus… and Help Some Children!

February 25, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Around DC, Entertainment 


BananaBlueberry wants everyone to know about a special night at the circus that is coming up!

It’s the 13th Annual Children’s Premiere Night-

Tickets are discounted and proceeds go to Friends of the Clinical Center, The Children’s Inn at NIH and Special Love for Children with Cancer!

You can print this page and send it in with your money for the tickets,

or email my friend, AND MOTHER OF 5 BOYS (Woo, Woo), Mary Jane at


She’ll answer any questions and can even meet you somewhere

with your tickets.

Join us for the 13th Annual Children’s Premiere Night !

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at the Verizon Center

6:00 pm – All Access Pre-show

7:00 pm – The Main Event

You won’t hear about this on the radio or television because this night is only for special

invitees from the NIH R&W…and you and your friends and family are invited!!

Proceeds benefit Friends of the Clinical Center, The Children’s Inn at NIH and

Special Love for Children with Cancer

Plus, help provide free tickets to over 3,000 needy children from area hospitals and social service

agencies! The Children’s National Medical Center, Ronald McDonald House, Howard University

Hospital, Bethesda Cares, The Dwelling Place, Linkages to Learning, Boys & Girls Clubs, St. Ann’s Infant

& Maternity Home, and the Marie H. Reed Community Learning center identify children who would benefit



Circus Ticket Order Form

Name:_______________________________________________  Phone:___________________

Address:_____________________________________________  E-mail:___________________

Count me in! I will purchase _____ tickets at $ 24 (regular ticket price is $35)level 100

I will purchase _____ tickets at $ 14 (regular ticket price is $18)level 400

Front Row        _____ tickets at $ 60 (regular ticket price is $75)

Circus Celebrity ____ tickets at $ 90 (regular ticket price is $110)

I will sponsor ___tickets for needy kids at a cost of $ 15 per child for a total of $_____

Please make checks payable to R&W Foundation

Mail your check and order form to Friends of the Clinical Center, PO Box 340139, Bethesda, MD 20827

Questions? E-mail Heidi Grolig at groligh@mail.nih.gov

Friends of the Clinical Center is a 501(c) non profit organization providing emergency financial aid to patients of the

National Institutes of Health and their families.

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