“Overcome the notion that you must be regular.
It robs you of the chance to be
New Praise for ‘Living A Miracle, We All Do… Every Day’

Living A Miracle, We All Do... Every Day
I’m pleased to share with you the latest critique of my eBook,
‘Living A Miracle,
We All Do… Every Day’
“Few people have to endure
what the author of this book did.
After an accident,
she had to learn to go to the bathroom again, learn to walk.
Her challenges are the basis of an inspirational book that contains life lessons for all of us,
even those who don’t face what she faced.
The author doesn’t wallow in self-pity or use easy platitudes,
one of the great lines of the book is that she’s the ‘Rodney Dangerfield’ of spirituality.
Her sense of humor and the accessible language she lays it all out in,
makes a reader feel as though her lessons
ARE for each of us and puts it in plain terms.
The sub-title of the book, ‘We All Do’ should be a sign to anyone who picks it up
that there will be information to help lead the life
we are intended to live.
At some points, the book is almost free-form verse,
a poetic ode to the strength of people,
how we’re all different and
how we can all find ways to cope.”
– Judge, Writer’s Digest Self-Published e-Book
Click on my eBook to the Right to Purchase it on Amazon
Words to Live By….
“I am Not an eccentric.
It’s just that I am more alive
than most people.”
-Dame Edith Sitwell
Listen Up …
If You Win, You Will Be Happy;
If You Lose, You Will Be Wise.
Listen …
- From- Amazing Things in This World
A Year from Now,
You will Wish you had started
– Karen Lamb
Words to Live By
“Most people fail in life
not because they aim too high and miss,
but because they aim too low and hit.”
– Les Brown
Words To Live By
“I learned how to sumon,
from somewhere deep within,
the extra will I didn’t know I possessed.
Knowing it was there, and could be tapped again,
gave me the boost of confidence
I would rely on for years to come.”
-Sugar Ray Leonard
A Great Quote To Remember !!!!!
“The Only Thing that can diminish your power is
your belief that you do not have it.”
Marilyn Monroe had it right… who knew?
“We should all start to live
before we get too old.
Worry is stupid,
so are regrets.“
-Marilyn Monroe
I Can Find Inspiration Anywhere…
“A man who acquires the ability
to take full possession of his own mind
may take possession of anything else
to which he is justly entitled.”
– Andrew Carnegie
– Spoken by Christian Grey, in
Fifty Shades of Grey