Stop Saying North Dakota Gets This All The Time!
Washington DC Area.
Here we are in our 2nd blizzard WITHIN a week.
I have lived here all my life and cannot remember EVER getting this much snow.
We have survived a power outage, and my laptop hard drive breaking (FYI- don’t let your children put magnets on your laptop… yes, I’m serious).
I’m content with the exception of 1 thing-
I wish commentators and reporters on TV would stop saying things like,
“Ya know, people in say, ‘North Dakota’ get this all the time.”
“Yes, I know they get a lot of snow. But we usually don’t. And people in North Dakota have the right tools for snow removal and survival. Even in Cleveland they have whole departments set up for snow removal, we don’t. Everyone has a 4-wheel drive in North Dakota, I think it may be a state law even. Not everyone here has a 4-wheel drive…like us for instance.”
DCers: Hunker Down and Stay Warm!

One Comment on Stop Saying North Dakota Gets This All The Time!
Nicole Pelton on
Wed, 10th Feb 2010 6:21 pm
funny you should say that…we were looking at reports and I, having never been to North Dakota, was still wondering why the whole DC area has come to a standstill from snow. My husband, who’s spent quite a bit of time in North Dakota scoffed a tiny bit at the term blizzard, but like you said places like ND are totally prepared for this every winter, unlike DC. Stay warm and dry.
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